The 13 Scariest Video Games for Halloween

Left yourself with nothing to do this Halloween? Go on one of these spooky adventures and ensure you get absolutely no sleep at all. — October 31, 2017 If you’ve already had your Halloween party this weekend and were planning a quiet night in front of the TV, hiding from trick or treaters, we’ve got another idea for you. All

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A Beginner’s Guide to Video Game Music

Chronicling an evolution, from primitive to a seminal artform.  — September 28, 2017  Video games and music complement each other harmoniously. Many people have specific memories associated with the music that plays during a particular video game level, especially if it was a more difficult one. With each new generation of video game systems, sound chips, sampling fidelity, and storage

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The Evolution of Music in Video Gaming

From looped soundtracks of monophonic melodies to Trent Reznor, there have been a lot of changes in video game soundtracks. — August 23, 2017  Anybody who plays video games in 2017 knows how a good soundtrack can get the adrenaline going. Recent hits like Doom have been noteworthy for their visceral music as much as their gameplay, and whether it’s

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Real-Life Video Game Bands Worth Listening

Some of the best games ever are so beloved partially due to their memorable soundtracks. From nerdcore parody rappers to legitimately excellent gaming rock acts, here’s a list of the real-life video game bands worth listening. — August 15, 2017 Metroid Metal Technically the band is Stemage, but my and I’m sure many other Nintendo fans’ introduction to the performer was

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Stressed Out? Science Says to Play a Video Game for 5 Minutes

It’s great when science gives credence to the things you already do. This time, researchers found that playing video games helps you relax. — August 3, 2017 Research led by Michael Rupp, a doctoral student in human factors and cognitive psychology at the University of Central Florida, and published in the journal Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, found that study

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