Playing Video Games Can Help Make Kids Smarter And Happier

Games are more than just a fun activity for kids — they can enhance their emotional, personal, and social well-being. — August 14th,  2018 According to many scientific studies, Games can change the brain structurally and functionally. These changes result in enhancing mental skills such as memory, attention span, spatial intelligence, language learning ability, and coordination. Research also shows that

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Gamescom 2018: Everything You Need To Know

GAMESCOM 2018 is due to kick off in late August this year – and The Daily Star UK has everything you need to know about gaming’s biggest European conference. — August 6th,  2018 What is it? Gamescom 2019 is the biggest gaming convention in Europe, attracting both media and the public to come and trial the newest and most exciting

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How Designers Build Board Games Based On VGs

Video games can contain a multitude of complex interlocking systems and distill these into a board game is a unique challenge. — July 20,  2018 In an article published in Jonathan Ying and  Andrew Fischer, lead designers of Fantasy Flight’s 2017 Fallout board game, explain why they describe the task as “rather daunting.” With Fallout’s status as a solid open-world video game

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Seniors Can Strengthen Their Brains By Playing Super Mario

Looking to prepare your brain for old age? A new study finds that the secret to a sharper mind may be… Super Mario — July 2,  2018 Canadien scientists found that adults who played Super Mario 64 (regularly) showed improvements in cognitive function.  To reach their findings, the researchers studied the brains of a group of people at least 55

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Video Games Are the Star of the Mobile Software Market

A new report indicates that 75% of the money spent on iOS App Store software went toward video game sales. — June 14,  2018 As Kevin Tucker, a long-time gamer and writer, explains this figure is remarkable for various reasons: not only do video games make up the vast majority of mobile software sales, they manage to do so while

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