A Video Game Music Composer’s Resource Guide

We wanted to share with you a guide to understanding music in VR written by Winnifred Phillips, award-winning composer with more than 13 years of experience in the game industry and a long list of video game credits that include titles from five of the most prominent franchises in gaming: Assassin’s Creed, LittleBigPlanet, Total War, God of War, and The Sims. —

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Xbox’s Newest Hit, Sounds Like It Was Made in the 1930s

Video games didn’t exist in the 1930s, but the forthcoming game Cuphead asks the anachronistic question: What if they did? What would a video game from the 1930s sound like? — October 23, 2017 Cuphead is a side-scrolling shooter that looks like a Max Fleischer cartoon but plays like Super Nintendo. A game this crazy deserves a soundtrack that’s equally

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A Beginner’s Guide to Video Game Music

Chronicling an evolution, from primitive to a seminal artform.  — September 28, 2017  Video games and music complement each other harmoniously. Many people have specific memories associated with the music that plays during a particular video game level, especially if it was a more difficult one. With each new generation of video game systems, sound chips, sampling fidelity, and storage

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A Quick Guide to Making Indie Game Trailers

Making a trailer may sound like a daunting task to the average indie, but it’s not that complicated to make a simple one, and it can be a worthwhile creative exercise in itself. Below you will find a guide to making indie game trailers as written by Ryan Sumo (the lead artist/CEO of Squeaky Wheel) — September 18, 2017  Conceptualization This part

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Classic Video Game Themes Sound Even Better Played Backwards

Video games like Super Mario Bros. and Tetris included some of the most catchy background music ever put on a cartridge. But would you recognize those same classic video game themes played backward? — August 15, 2017 An artist created an album featuring four memorable game themes performed in reverse, and we can’t stop listening to them. “Sorb Oiram Repus,” Stemage’s backward

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