The Virtual Reality Game Gathering Data for Dementia Researchers

Navigating an ice-walled lake or scouring a swamp for a hidden monster may sound like a fun premise for a virtual-reality video game. But there’s a serious purpose behind the new game Sea Hero Quest VR:  helping neuroscientists design a new test for dementia. — September 7, 2017  London-based game design firm Glitchers worked with researchers from British and Swiss universities, as well as dementia and Alzheimer’s

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Stressed Out? Science Says to Play a Video Game for 5 Minutes

It’s great when science gives credence to the things you already do. This time, researchers found that playing video games helps you relax. — August 3, 2017 Research led by Michael Rupp, a doctoral student in human factors and cognitive psychology at the University of Central Florida, and published in the journal Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, found that study

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How Video Games Affect the Brain

Video gaming is a popular form of entertainment, with video gamers collectively spending 3 billion hours per week in front of their screens. Due to their widespread use, scientists have researched how video games affect the brain and behavior. — July 11, 2017 At a glance, more than 150 million people in the United States play video games regularly, or

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